Creative & Efficient Quality Delivery of Transportation and Water Infrastructure Projects

Your Infrastructure Project
Design | GIS | CM | Outreach
The MORCOS Group, Inc. is a Woman-Owned California Corporation founded by Dr. Sherif Morcos, PhD, PE, in 2008, to provide Responsive and Customized Professional Engineering, Construction Management, Community Outreach, and GIS services for Creative and Efficient Quality Delivery of Transportation, Water, and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects.
Dr. Morcos is a former Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, Civil Engineering Department, and has authored several technical engineering publications.
The Honorable Beata Draga Morcos, California State Commissioner appointed by then Governor Jerry Brown, and former Executive Director and CEO of the Black American Political Association of California (BAPAC), joined The Morcos Group in 2013 as President and CEO. With Beata’s extensive government experience, she leads Operations, Strategic Planning, Business Development, Public Relations, and Civic Affairs.
The MORCOS Group, Inc. is certified as a Disadvantaged, Small, and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (DBE/SBE/WBE), headquartered in the heart of Los Angeles, California.
We provide Comprehensive Design Reviews, Quality Control Review, Constructability Review, and Value Engineering of Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) of new complex highway, pedestrian, and railroad bridges, grade separations, intersection improvements, light and heavy rail, automated people mover (APM) systems, and seismic retrofit and rehabilitation of historic bridges. Our Technical Reviews and Value Engineering services result in innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective designs.
We are specialized in Construction Management and related construction support services for transportation infrastructure and public works projects.
Our projects include bridges over congested freeways and rivers, seismic retrofit and rehabilitation of historic bridges, roadways, highways, freeways, and intersection improvements.
We have been a leader in Geographic Information System (GIS) and Information Technology, developing complex master geodatabases, spatial analysis and modeling, web GIS and python programming, advanced spatial statistics, and database management. We utilize Esri solutions, from ArcGIS Desktop to ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online, and ArcSDE. Our solutions integrate GIS with key business systems. Whether those systems are asset management, supervisory control and data acquisition, or vehicle location systems, we deliver optimal solutions that maximize investments in technology and provide tools to support more effective management and enhanced decision-making.
We provide expertise in Community Outreach and Public Engagement through transparent and multi-platform communication strategies to build trust, consensus, and project support. Our expertise lies in simplifying complex technical project information into clear, concise, community-friendly concepts and educational programs to keep the public and stakeholders engaged as the project develops from conception to construction. We craft creative, innovative solutions for complex public affairs challenges.
With over 20 years of experience on City of Los Angeles projects, and working closely with dozens of City Departments, County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, and Metro, we provide focused Third-Party Coordination and Permitting Services. Our extensive experience with local, state, and federally funded projects, Caltrans, Metro, railroads, local agencies, utility companies, private property owners, and stakeholders, expedites safe and quality delivery of our client’s projects.
We invest in our communities and partner with our clients to deliver Creative, Sustainable, and Cost-Effective Solutions for California’s Transportation and Water needs.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
Community Business Enterprise (CBE) by Los Angeles County
Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Certified by the Following Agencies:
- State of California (Micro Business)
- Southern California Regional Rail Authority
- City of Los Angeles (SBE, SLB, LBE, and EBE)
- Port of Los Angeles (VSBE)
- City of Long Beach
- Port of Long Beach (VSBE)