Our Recent Projects

On-Call Contracts - City of Los Angeles
- Automation Projects – LA Sanitation
- Engineering, GIS, and Outreach Services – LA Sanitation
- Architectural and Related Professional Service – BOE
- Bridge and Civil Engineering Design Services – BOE
- Civil Engineering Services – BOE
- Environmental Documentation and Specialty Studies – BOE
- Wastewater and Environmental Engineering – BOE
California High-Speed Rail, Palmdale to Burbank Segment – CHSR Authority
Planning, Preliminary Engineering, and Alternatives Development for the preparation of the Environmental Documents for the 45-mile high-speed rail segment
Link Union Station – Metro Rail
Engineering Design Support and Quality Control Review of the $900 million project, which will extend the railroad tracks from LA Union Station over the US-101 Freeway, loop over an elevated structure through downtown Los Angeles and connect to the main tracks at the Los Angeles River

Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3 Stations Design/Build – Metro
Third-Party Coordination and Permitting with multiple agencies, including Metro, City of Los Angeles Bureaus/Departments, County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, UCLA, and the VA Hospital for the $1.25 Billion design/build UCLA and VA Hospital Metro Subway Stations in Westwood

Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3 Stations Design/Build – Metro
Third-Party Coordination and Permitting with multiple agencies, including Metro, City of Los Angeles Bureaus/Departments, County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, UCLA, and the VA Hospital for the $1.25 Billion design/build UCLA and VA Hospital Metro Subway Stations in Westwood
Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement – Port of Long Beach
Quality Control Technical Advisor for the design of the new 2,000-foot-long cable-stayed bridge, spanning an active waterway at the Port of Long Beach
Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Over the Los Angeles River – City of Los Angeles
Advanced Planning Studies for Improvements of 15 Major Intersections, Evaluation of Utilities Impacts, Construction Cost Estimate, and Third-Party Coordination for the new signature bridge replacement project over the Los Angeles River

Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge – City of Long Beach
Constructability Review, QC Review, and Cost Estimating of the 400-foot-long signature Pedestrian Bridge connecting the Long Beach Convention Center to the Performing Arts Center Plaza in the City of Long Beach

Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge – City of Long Beach
Constructability Review, QC Review, and Cost Estimating of the 400-foot-long signature Pedestrian Bridge connecting the Long Beach Convention Center to the Performing Arts Center Plaza in the City of Long Beach

Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge – City of Long Beach
Constructability Review, QC Review, and Cost Estimating of the 400-foot-long signature Pedestrian Bridge connecting the Long Beach Convention Center to the Performing Arts Center Plaza in the City of Long Beach
Historic Riverside Drive Bridge Over the Los Angeles River – City of Los Angeles
Independent Bridge Design Check, Constructability Review, and QC Review for the seismic retrofit, rehabilitation, and widening of the historic bridge over the Los Angeles River

Overland Avenue Bridge Widening Over I-10 Freeway – City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Constructability Review, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Civil, Electrical, and Landscape Design Support, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination with Caltrans and multiple agencies for widening Overland Avenue over I-10 Freeway in West Los Angeles

Overland Avenue Bridge Widening Over I-10 Freeway – City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Constructability Review, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Civil, Electrical, and Landscape Design Support, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination with Caltrans and multiple agencies for widening Overland Avenue over I-10 Freeway in West Los Angeles

Overland Avenue Bridge Widening Over I-10 Freeway – City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Constructability Review, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Civil, Electrical, and Landscape Design Support, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination with Caltrans and multiple agencies for widening Overland Avenue over I-10 Freeway in West Los Angeles

Historic Fourth Street Bridge over Lorena Seismic Retrofit - City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Design Support during Construction, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination for the seismic retrofit of the historic arch bridge in East Los Angeles

Historic Fourth Street Bridge over Lorena Seismic Retrofit - City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Design Support during Construction, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination for the seismic retrofit of the historic arch bridge in East Los Angeles

Historic Fourth Street Bridge over Lorena Seismic Retrofit - City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Design Support during Construction, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination for the seismic retrofit of the historic arch bridge in East Los Angeles

Historic North Main Bridge Over the Los Angeles River Seismic Retrofit – City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Constructability Review, Value Engineering, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Historic Mitigation Monitoring, Railroad Coordination, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination for the seismic retrofit of the historic arch bridge over the Los Angeles River

Historic North Main Bridge Over the Los Angeles River Seismic Retrofit – City of Los Angeles
Construction Management, Structural Representative, Constructability Review, Value Engineering, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Historic Mitigation Monitoring, Railroad Coordination, Community Outreach, and Third-Party Coordination for the seismic retrofit of the historic arch bridge over the Los Angeles River
Taylor Yard Pedestrian and Bikeway Bridge over the Los Angeles River – City of Los Angeles
Constructability Review and Cost Estimating of the new 400-foot steel truss bridge over the Los Angeles River

Soto Bridge Over Mission Road and Huntington Drive South – City of Los Angeles
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC), Constructability Review, Value Engineering, and Third-Party Coordination for the removal of the existing Soto Bridge and construction of two new signalized intersections, two cul-de-sacs, and realignment of Soto Street, Mission Road, and Huntington Drive South in East Los Angeles

Soto Bridge Over Mission Road and Huntington Drive South – City of Los Angeles
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC), Constructability Review, Value Engineering, and Third-Party Coordination for the removal of the existing Soto Bridge and construction of two new signalized intersections, two cul-de-sacs, and realignment of Soto Street, Mission Road, and Huntington Drive South in East Los Angeles
Palm Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Over I-5 Freeway – City of Burbank
Feasibility Study and Alignment Alternatives Analysis for the proposed Pedestrian Bridge over I-5 Freeway to link downtown Palm Avenue to the Metrolink Station across the Freeway in Burbank
GIS On-Call Services – LA Sanitation
GIS and Information Technology (IT) Services for various LASAN Programs, including LA Clean Streets, Brownfields, Exclusive Franchise System, Truck Routing, Homeless Encampments, Watershed Protection, MYLA311, SANSTAR, Web Development and Collection System Maps, and Development of GIS Training Videos
One Water LA 2040 Plan – LA Sanitation
GIS Master Geodatabase Development for the City of Los Angeles One Water LA 2040 Plan which provides a strategic vision and implementation plan to manage all types of water resources, including surface water, groundwater, potable water, graywater, wastewater, recycled water, and stormwater, as “One Water”

Stormwater Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Streets – LA Sanitation
GIS Master Geodatabase Development for the Stormwater Management for Public Right-of-Way Projects Handbook and Development of Green Streets Elements to minimize flooding, reduce watershed pollution, and increase stormwater capture and local water supply

Stormwater Capture Parks Program – City of Los Angeles
Constructability Review of the LA-BOE Parks Program which will capture up to 2,912 acre-feet of stormwater and urban runoff per year from a 5,686-acre drainage area and divert it into subterranean infiltration galleries to be located under the City’s parks for infiltration into the underlying groundwater basin
Venice Dual Force Main Sewer Project – LA Sanitation
Community Outreach for the construction of the 2-mile new pressurized 54-inch sewer main from the Venice Pumping Plant to the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant, using micro-tunneling underneath the City Streets and the Marina del Rey Channel
Community Outreach for the Wastewater Program – LA Sanitation
Community Outreach for the City-wide multiple sewer replacement construction projects as part of the LASAN Wastewater Program
San Fernando Relief Sewer Alternatives Analysis – LA Sanitation
Alignment Alternatives Analysis, Constructability Assessment, Right-of-Way Impacts Assessment, Permitting Requirements, and Cost Estimating for the proposed 4.8-mile 48-inch relief sewer from the North Outfall sewer at Doran Street to the 96-inch North East Interceptor Sewer at Division Street in Los Angeles
Community Outreach for the Wastewater Program – LA-BOE
Community Outreach for the City-wide multiple sewer replacement construction projects as part of the LA-BOE Wastewater Program
Solid Resources Truck Routing Program – LA Sanitation
GIS Services for the development of the solid resources bulky items collection trucks enabling real-time data routing program to eliminate the inefficient process of manually synchronizing routes and field data collection
Zero Waste Exclusive Franchise System, RecycLA – LA Sanitation
GIS and Staff Augmentation for the City-wide Zero Waste Exclusive Franchise System, which is a public private partnership that established the new waste and recycling franchise system for all businesses, commercial, industrial, and large multifamily customers in the City of Los Angeles
Athens RecycLA Program Launch – Athens Services
Community Outreach and Educational Programs, GIS, and Staff Augmentation for the Launch and Implementation of the Athens Zero Waste Exclusive Franchise System RecycLA in the West Los Angeles, North Central, and Harbor Zones
Our Project Experience:
- I-15 44-Mile Freeway Widening Project, RCTC, Riverside, CA
- Historic Fletcher Drive Bridge Over the Los Angeles River, Los Angeles, CA
- Valley Boulevard Connector and Grade Separation, Los Angeles, CA
- Highway Bridge Program (HBP) Funding Applications, City of Los Angeles, CA
- Highway Bridge Program (HBP) Funding Applications, City of Pasadena, CA
- Highway Bridge Program (HBP) Funding Applications City of Santa Clarita, CA
- METRO Call for Projects Funding Applications, City of Los Angeles, CA
- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Funding Application, City of Los Angeles, CA
- SR-57 Lincoln to Katella Widening, OCTA, Orange, CA
- Metrolink (SCRRA) On-Call Design Services Program, Los Angeles, CA
- NCTD 9 Railroad Bridge Replacement Program, San Diego, CA
- Upper Oso and Aliso Creek Bridge Widening, TCA, Orange, CA
- SR74 San Juan Creek Bridge, Orange, CA
- Gene Autry Bridge Widening Over UPRR Tracks, Palm Springs, CA
- Temple Ave. Train Diversion and Grade Separations, Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority, CA
- Historic La Loma Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation, Pasadena, CA
- US-101 Freeway Decking Project, Los Angeles, CA
- Wilmington Avenue and 223rd Street Bridge, Los Angeles County, CA
- San Francisco International Airport AirTrain (APM), San Francisco, CA
- Cypress Viaduct Freeway Replacement, I-880, San Francisco, CA
- Girard Point Bridge Seismic Analysis and Retrofit, Schuylkill, PA
- Fort Pitt Bridge Seismic Analysis and Retrofit, Pittsburgh, PA
- Newark Airport (APM) Crack Study, Newark, NJ
- Mon-Fayette Expressway, Allegheny County, PA
- PennDOT LRFD and Metric Conversion Program Management, Harrisburg, PA
- Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission LRFD and Metric Conversion Program Management, Harrisburg, PA
- San Jose Undercrossing, San Jose, CA
- Kuala Lumpur International Airport Transit Track System, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Clifford Hollow Bridge, U.S. 33 Over Clifford Hollow, WV
- Chelyan Cable-Stayed Bridge, Kanawha County, WV
- Apalachicola River and St. Mary’s River Bridges, Calhoun and Nassau Counties, FL
- Yankton Bridge, U.S. 81 Over the Missouri River at Yankton, SD
- Holston Railroad Bridge, Holston Army Ammunition Plant, Kingsport, TN
- Falmouth Bridge, Boston, MA
- Ravensburg Bridge, Clairton, PA
- Boston Tunnel Marine Industrial Park (D004A), Boston, MA
- AEG C-100 Automated Guideway Transit (APM) System, Honolulu Airport, HI